Tower Climber Safety and Rescue
Course Description
These courses are over 80% hands-on. We have been in the business a long time and realize the best way to learn these demanding skills is to actually do it…. on an actual tower. These courses are fast moving, dynamic and interactive. We have small classes by design. This gives each student more time to actually run through the hands-on training evolutions and have direct interaction with the instructors and other students.
Our instructors are on many of the actual industry standard writing committees. This is an incredible honor and learning opportunity. We also serve on actual rescue teams and fire departments around the country. This gives the students the ability to learn from the best… that actually do the jobs we train.
Our TRS training follows, meets and exceeds the OSHA, ANSI, NATE, NFPA industrial standards as they pertain to communication tower climbing, fall protection and rescue involving an ill, injured or post fall climber.
These courses teach students necessary skills to work and rescue at height on lifelines / with backup systems, affect certain job/rescue skills at height, review, understand, problem solve and perform situation rescue operations. The courses include extensive hands-on teaching and problem-solving exercises. Testing includes skills proficiency, scenario-based performance evaluation of the class and the required written test.
Click Here to learn more about “What You Receive”
Bring ALL your climbing, fall protection and rescue gear with you… we are PPE Competent Inspectors and will inspect your gear in class. TRS will document and log all equipment inspections …
ALL INCLUDED in the tuition.
If you do not have any gear… no problem,,, we have over 15 complete sets of gear you are welcome, and encouraged, to use during the class. If you would like to purchase gear – check out our “Equipment Sales” page.
All Technical Rescue Systems Courses follows, meets and exceeds OSHA 1910.268 (Telecommunication Towers), 1926.502 (Fall Protection), ANSI z359 (Fall Protection) Z308 (Medical Kits), Z490 (Training Standards), NATE (Course Training Standard), NFPA 1006 / 1670 (Technical Rescue) standards as they pertain to Tower Climbing Safety and Rescue.
Technical Rescue Systems LLC training will cover via both cognitive and practical hands-on training in the areas involving, but not limited to:
- Introduction to tower climbing regulations and standards
- Federal and Industrial Standards including OSHA, NATE, ANSI Z359 and training standards ANSI Z490
- Principles of Fall Protection
- Basic tower safety climbing and equipment review
- Fall Protections Equipment, Capabilities and Inspection
- Job Briefing Standard
- Mandated Safety Meetings
- Climbing Technique
- Basic and Specific Equipment and Hauling Rigging Review
- Knots – Lifeline inspection and care
- PPE Inspection and Documentation
- Rescue Procedures and Equipment Review
- Rescue of an Ill, Injured and Post Fall Climber
- Understanding, Prevention and Treatment for Suspension Trauma
- First Aid – At Height – On the Ground – Basic Survival in remote locations
- Site Hazard Analysis, Mandated Safety Meetings, ANSI requirements and industry standards
- Fixed Ladder Usage
- PPE, OPE and Emergency Planning, Including Rescue Techniques
- ANSI Z359 Fall Protection (PFAS and Fall Restraint Techniques)
- Weather Considerations
- RF Exposure
- Basic Review of Tower Types and Construction
- Review Emergency Services Response
- Rescue Plan Update and Review
Additional Terminal Learning Objectives:
- National Standards and Requirements Review
- A review of the “All Stop” and “Wet Conditions Alert” commands, definitions, team members responsibilities and situations.
- Equipment Checks, logging, documentation and maintenance
- Review equipment terms, definitions, titles, basic uses and inspections documentation and logging.
Technical Rescue Systems has continually proven to be an industry leader for high quality training and services in the following ways:
- Instructors, with combined, over 50 years experience in emergency services and 4 years military service
- Instructors with over 30 years experience in safety and rescue training
- Serving on several national standard writing committees, authoring numerous manuals and published in many trade magazines and publications. (Complete Curriculum Vitae available upon request)
- All TRS Instructors are USA Citizens, Current Valid Drivers License, Current Valid TSA Global Entry Clearance, current valid US Passport (all documents available upon request)
- Current and complete $2M Liability Insurance available upon request.
- Duns number: 026229275
- NAICS Code: 611519 – 611699 – 423490
- gov Cage Number: 7LP20
- Hundreds of Companies and Individuals trained in safety and rescue since 1986
- Past organizations clearance references:
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- National Bureau of Standards
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston
- Companies and Organizations that recognize / approve training provided by Technical Rescue Systems:
- Bechtel
- AT&T
- Verizon
- Sprint
- T Mobile
- American Tower
- Black & Veatch
- Ericsson
- National Association of Tower Erectors
- Additional Certifications and Qualifications
- Licensed Commercial Drone Pilots
- Certified Harkin Seat Operation and Sales
- Certified DEUS devise training and sales
- Certified Capstan Operator
- Petzl America Training Partner
- Licensed Single Engine & Glider Pilot
- Past military base clearance references:
- Raven Rock Mountain Complex, Pennsylvania
- Elroy Alfaro Air Force Base, Manta Ecuador
- Mountain Home Air Force Base, Boise Idaho
- Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, San Clemente Island California
- Naval Radio Transmitter Facility, Niscemi, Sicily
- Camp Lejeune Marine Base, North Carolina
- US Airforce Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
- US Army Chemical Depot, Pueblo Colorado
What really is the name or type of training you need for climbing communication towers?
Listed here is a brief description of what each of these titles / terms mean to TRS:
The actual term certified has many meanings. Here is one: In first-party certification, an individual or organization providing the good or service offers assurance that it meets certain claims. In second-party certification, an association to which the individual or organization belongs provides the assurance. Third-party certification involves an independent assessment declaring that specified requirements pertaining to a product, person, process or management system have been met.
OSHA 1910.268
R 408.42907 Definitions.
(2) “Authorized climber” – means an individual with the physical capabilities to climb; who may or may not have previous climbing experience; has been trained in fall protection regulations, the equipment that applies to communication structures work, and instruction for proper use of the equipment.
ANSI Z359.2
Where fall protection is required, the authorized person shall have a working understanding of and follow the employer’s policy and procedures and the instructions of the competent person regarding the use of fall protection and rescue systems.
It is the responsibility of authorize rescuers to perform or assist in workplace rescues.
The authorize rescuer shall through experience and training have a working knowledge of and experience in the selection, use, storage and care of all equipment necessary to perform a rescue.
OSHA 1910.268
R 408.42907 Definitions.
(6) “Competent Person” – means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate problems.
R 408.42910 Fall protection. competent person shall ensure that all fall protection equipment is inspected prior to each use for wear, damage, defect, or other deterioration by employees who have been trained in accordance with R 408.42916. Defective equipment shall be identified and tagged as defective and immediately removed from service.
ANSI Z359.2
The competent person shall be responsible for the immediate supervision, implementation, and monitoring of the manage fall protection program.
The confident person shall be knowledgeable through experience and training of applicable fall protection requirements, standards, equipment and systems, and mandatory requirements for fall protection equipment and systems used by their employers.
The competent person shall prepare, updates, review and approve written fall protection procedures as directed by the program administrator.
The competent person shall ensure a written rescue plan has been developed.
The competent person shall supervise the selection, installation, use an inspection of non-certified anchorages.
*** NATE CTS (As per NATE – Competent Climber / Rescuer requires minimum 90 days documented tower climbs) Industry Standards as it pertains to Competent Climber / Rescuer.
OSHA 1910.268
R 408.42907 Definitions.
(30) “Qualified Person” – means a person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
ANSI Z359.2
The qualified person shall be responsible for supporting the fall protection program. Areas of expertise may include system design, horizontal lifeline design, structural analysis, calculation of impact forces and clearances, testing, and great certification, methods of control, equipment selection, and compliance with applicable regulations and standards.
The qualified person shall be knowledgeable of applicable fall protection regulations, standards, equipment and systems, physical sciences, engineering principles, and mandatory requirements for fall protection equipment and systems used by their employer.
Note: The descriptions and definitions listed here are only part of a complete document and / or standard. It is up to the employer, employee and persons inquiring to understand all pertinent standards and regulations as they pertain to your specific situation and needs.
Emergency Services
Are defined in NFPA standards 1670 and 1006. These “levels” reference a level of service provided by an “Authority Having Jurisdiction”. This means any emergency services that is under the National Fire Protection Association’s standards should meet these requirements.
More information is provided in our web site under Fire Rescue Technical Training Courses
Emergency Response Regulations
Please note: These regulations are believed to be correct, but are subject to changes at anytime. Check with OSHA and other regulatory bodies for the most accurate and up-to-date information
Rule 2913. (1) The employer shall establish and document procedures for rescue of employees in the event of an emergency, which shall include whether the employer will designate its own employees to perform the rescue procedures or whether the employer will designate a third party to perform the rescue procedures. The documented procedures shall be available for review by the director of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth or his or her designee, upon request.
(2) When an employer uses employees to provide elevated (high angle) rescue and emergency services, the following measures shall be taken:
(a) Ensure at least 2 rescue-trained employees are on- site when employees are working at heights over 6 feet on the structure. When there are only 2 employees on-site and 1 of these employees has been employed for less than 12 months, then that new employee must minimally have documented rescue training which includes steps to be taken in an emergency.
(b) Ensure that personal protective equipment (PPE) and high angle rescue equipment needed to conduct elevated rescues are provided, utilized, and maintained by the rescue-trained employees.
(c) Train rescue employees so they are proficient in the use and maintenance of PPE and high angle rescue equipment needed to conduct elevated rescues.
(d) Train rescue employees to perform assigned rescue duties to ensure that they maintain the ability to perform and demonstrate such duties by conducting and documenting simulated rescue operations at least once every 12 months. The employer shall keep documentation available for review by the director of the Department of Labor and Economic Growth or his or her designee, upon request.
Training Certification and Records
Rule 2919. (1) The employer shall document that each employee has been trained with a certification record that includes all of the following:
(a) The identity of the person trained.
(b) The signature of the employer or the qualified person who conducted the training.
(c) The date that training was completed.
(d) A description of the training.
(2) The employer shall maintain a copy of the training lesson plan for each topic of instruction.
(3) The employer shall prepare the certification record at the completion of the training required by these rules and shall be maintained for the duration of the employee’s employment. (4) The most current certification record shall be kept available for review by the director of the Department of Labor and Economic Growth or his or her designee, upon request. (5) An employer may accept training records or certificates for previous training if the employer verifies that all training and knowledge is up-to-date and applicable to the new employee’s job duties.
Course Options
We offer this course as a one day refresher, a two-day authorized climber, three day advanced climber, or four day custom climber course. Reach out to us, and we’ll help you determine which course is right for you and your team.

Tower Climber Refresher – 1 Day
Our “Refresher” courses recognize that keeping current and proficient is part of a complete training program. If a climber meets our prerequisites, TRS offers a class that updates and reviews your level of knowledge and expounds on the latest training, techniques and updated standards. All part of our Tower Climber Certification Series. Meets the annual refresher requirements. Call for required pre-requisites”.
Additional NOTE:
Technical Rescue Systems does not offer, or condone, a one day “full certification” course. We believe it takes more than 8 hours of training to review, learn, comprehend and understand the curriculum of a skill where the consequences of making a mistake at height is dire. We understand what the time and commitment means for both the student and the employer when their employees are “away” from their job duties. Especially when your employees job duties are working and, potentially rescuing a co-worker from height…. Those working at height must trust and rely on their education, skills and training to make the correct decisions every second they are “doing their job at height”. “Safety is Education – Education is Safety” “We have a lot to go home to.”

Tower Climber / Rescuer – 2 Day
This training course covers in depth, the needs of fall protection in the industrial environment. Working in a vertical realm creates a host of fall protection needs and concerns. This course covers the specific equipment, harnesses, fall protection lanyards, secondary fall protection lines, anchoring challenges, edge protection, job briefings, ascending needs, logging and documentation of all equipment and training. This course follows, meets and exceeds OSHA CFR 1910.268 – ANSI Z359 & Z490 – NATE CTS Industry Standards as it pertains to Authorized and Competent Climber / Rescuer.

Tower Climber Rescuer
Authorized / Competent Climber Rescuer
Custom Emphasis Training
3 Day
This training course covers more in depth the needs of fall protection in the industrial environment. More emphasis is directed on the problem solving of proper anchoring and advanced techniques in tower rescue:
3rd Day Custom Emphasis Training
- “Skate and Block” technique for hauling and rescue
- “Lifeline Transfer” technique – Illustrating working on and rescuing on towers higher than 300′
- “Rigging, Hauling and Mechanical Advantage Systems”
- “Specialized Rescue and NFPA 1670 – 1006 Standards”
- “Fall Protection Program Review “We can audit/review your companies fall protection program.
- “Drone Tower Inspection and Certification Review”

Custom Climber – Rescuer – 4 Day
- DRONE Training now available as a custom add-on!
As mentioned often in our web site “Custom”. This is our specialty. We can customize the training you need for your specific situation. TRS is willing and able to work with you, your team and your organization to develop a custom training program from the basics through to a complete operational procedure and rescue plan.
Students will receive:
- Frameable “Certificate of Successful Completion” including course title, assigned TRS certification number, student name, course date, listed national standards, expiration date, instructor’s signature.
- Professional Student photo ID card.
- Professionally authored and bound Course Manual and/or Technical Rescue Field Guide Book
- “Personal Personnel File Folder” for the required documentation. Copies of the required documentation will be given to the student, employer as well as copies kept by TRS as per OSHA and ANSI Z 490 standard.
- Share File of all approved pictures, drone footage (if applicable) and videos taken of the class, during the class.
- Continued “call TRS anytime for any reason” costumer service to help answer questions and assist in any way we can.
Hosting organization will receive:
- Frameable “Certificate of Appreciation” with course titles, dates and team members names. Including a “Team Picture”.
- Copies of all student tests, equipment inspection logs, completed job safety analysis forms from each day,
- Share File of all approved pictures, drone footage (if applicable) and videos taken of the class, during the class.
- Copies of any requested related standards referenced during the training.
- Continued “call TRS anytime for any reason” costumer service to help answer questions and assist in any way we can.
(* Upon passing skills and written testing)
Past Clients

1 Day Refresher Course
Prerequisite(s): TRS Authorized Climber Rescuer (within two years of previous training)
Class Size Limit: 8
2 Day Tower Climber Rescuer Course
Prerequisite(s): None
Class Size Limit: 8
3 Day Tower Climber Rescuer Course
Prerequisite(s): 2 Day Tower Climber Course
Class Size Limit: 8