Course Description
Confined Space Awareness, Entry & Rescue is designed to be a 1 day Awareness – 2 day Operations – 3 Day Technician training course designed in a “Module” format to train students techniques in learning safety, environment testing & monitoring, entry, how to deal with the effects of claustrophobia, victim handling, and how to conduct an actual rescue involving many different types of confined spaces. The course schedule includes time for registration, video presentations, equipment review and demonstrations, practical hands-on training, and class overview. The courses are scheduled to have 70% or more hands-on.
Confined Space Awareness, Entry & Rescue is designed in a customized module format. Because there are so many different training needs for confined space environments / situations, Technical Rescue Systems has developed our training courses in a module format. There are several national standards with required topics that are covered throughout all modules.
Note the prerequisites for the Technician Level
The course will begin with basic skills and include practical exercises and testing in both areas of hands-on and a written test as per NFPA 1670 and 1006, ANSI Z490 standards and TRS training requirements. These tests are designed and implemented to serve as a means of documenting proficiency as it pertains to the training. A complete “course packet” will be presented to the training host at the successful completion of the training.

Awareness Level
1 Day Course
Prerequisite: None
Class Size: No Maximum
Training is compliant to the NFPA 1670 and 1006 as it pertains to Confined Space Awareness and Safety. This one day course covers the overview of types of confined space hazards, ground operations, what you are able to do in the event of a “Confined Space Rescue” and how you can help.

Operations Level
2 Day Course
Prerequisite: “Awareness”
Class Size Limit: 10
Training is compliant to the NFPA 1670 and 1006 as it pertains to Confined Space Entry and Rescue. This two day course takes the next step in training to a level of actually safely evaluating, entering a confined space and rescue techniques.
(All confined spaces situations are simulated and mannequins are used a “victims”)

Technician Level
3 Day Course
Prerequisite: “Awareness” and “Operations” for Confined Space and minimum Operations Level Rope Rescue
Class Size: Limit 8
Training is compliant to the NFPA 1670 and 1006 as it pertains to Confined Space Entry and Rescue. This three day course takes the next step in training to a level of performing and supervising all aspects of an actual confined space rescue situation. Including, but not limited to, vertical rope rescue, SCBA / SABA uses and limitations, safely evaluating the environment and multiple victim rescue scenarios.
(All confined spaces situations are simulated and mannequins are used a “victims”)

- 1 Day – Awareness Level = None
- 2 Day – Operations Level = Awareness
- 3 Day – Technician Level = Awareness and Operations
Class Size Limit:
- 1 Day – Awareness = no limit
- 2 Day – Operations = 10 Students
- 3 Day – Technician = 10 Students
(Contact us for details on signing up larger classes)